My own voice I am to find
By giving it expression;
Until now I was focused on my ancestors
And what they from me wanted:

To heal my relationship with my father
And with The Father;

To heal my spiritual lineages:
Roman Catholic,
African Shamanic,

The work of initial,
Intense listening is done
And my time has come
To co-create my own life with Source

With Self
Freed from the burden of generations
Of weeping women

And traumatized, brutalizing men

The trance I was in
Has given me the information I longed for
So that I could be productive

Serving my highest purpose
Rather than being a slave
To received norms

I have pulled through
With the help of many gracious beings
In multiple dimensions

Gifts from Source
Given in small daily doses;
Is what Deepak Chopra calls it.

Something that disturbed me for many years
Was the knowledge
That I had an almost compulsive desire
To be ‘useful’

That Hildegard of Bingen used this term;
(At least that is how it was translated
From German into English)
Consoled me somewhat

Yet not entirely
For an object is useful
Or useless
At which point it is discarded…

As a philosophy
It lends itself to utilitarianism
Whifts of which are in the air
As some consider the elderly as disposable


If we have to choose between our elders
And the economy
We’ll sacrifice the weak and vulnerable

Saving our polluting chimney stacks
Which we call the economy
Is far more important…

Over the weekend I read,
“Man cannot live without faith. The crucial question for our own generation and the next ones is whether this faith will be an irrational faith in leaders, machines, success, or the rational faith in man based on the experience of our own productive activity.”

Written by Erich Fromm in 1947
In Man for Himself
It corrects my use of language
Provides me with the expression I was in search of:

For you there might not be a difference
Between usefulness
And productivity

For usefulness implies productivity

I remember
When I sought refuge at Ha Phororo
Expressing this deep need within me
To be useful

Yet not knowing what exactly
Would fill that hole

For while my own efforts brought some relief
The anxiety I felt
Continued to pulse a call
For something more meaningful

My protector

My spiritual guide at that time
Suggested this
And then that
Until we both eventually gave up

For whatever it was within me wanting expression
Remained hidden
Stuck somewhere in the depths of my being

For being productive is not a thing

It’s a process
A fire burning within
Seeking expression;

Trapped in a cage
Of ‘find something to do;
Anything is better than nothing;

Anything is better
Than sitting around

Waiting for the heavens to open
And to deliver
The tools you think you are missing
Leads to depression’

There is truth in this;

Doing something
Leads one closer to whatever it is
Is calling to you
For productive expression

Yet doing ‘anything’
Misses the mark somehow:

‘Anything’ can take you for an expensive ride
It can take you far away
From your own soul desire
So that you lose your way…

I remained committed to my goal:
Choosing life
In full alignment with Source;

Went for walks
Planted spekboom
Planted herbs

Offered short retreats
Guided youngsters on possible paths
To create a livelihood that aligned with Source…

It is only now that I am reading Fromm
That I have the words to articulate what I was after;
Being useful is what you do to please others

Being productive is the art of being yourself:

That spaces open up
To Shalom experiences

To Shabbat time
Kept and observed
Regardless of what is happening in the wide world

Does this mean
That if the world of work
To make ends meet
Is what makes me useful

Then is the Sabbath the day for being productive?

And No

If to Source I attend
Celebrate life with family and friends
Am aware that I am to Source connected
By taking time out from the mad, mad world

If I replace being useful
With being busy with many things
As I have been

With Torah study
With Talmud study
With learning, learning, learning…

Even though these things are allowed
Even commended
As soul-food

Being productive is something else,
It’s a third element
It is the art of giving
In such a way as to feed your soul

Giving as Self-replenishment

The artist within released
The artist within using the tools of her trade
The artist within using the tools of her profession
The artist within using the tools of her passion

To make the world of human being
A beautiful place
Filled with abundance

For this too is what it means to be productive:
To have faith in the dignity of you
To have confidence that your angst
Is your soul calling you to be gentle with yourself

Despite what the world suggests is practical
Is sensible
Is required for a good life

As far as I can tell
Fromm is one of those Jewish intellectuals
Who, surviving the holocaust,
Lost the God concept

Replaced it with humane being

By connecting to self
Tapping into your source-treasure
And giving it expression

Through the work you choose to undertake:

A vegan should avoid becoming a butcher
A teacher should avoid becoming a preacher
A soprano should avoid becoming a bassist

My determination to be authentic
To be true to my highest potential
Has come at a high price though

A stubbornness
An arrogance
A determination

That took me to the edge of the precipice

This degree of commitment is not for the faint-hearted;
Looking back
I sometimes wonder if I would do it all over again

From my current perspective
I know I would;
Yet had I known what it would cost me in relationships
I doubt I would have had the guts to do so

I wouldn’t have.
I needed a push.
And pushed I was.

As we all are being pushed now
By a virus
Shaped like a crown

Am I going to be useful?
Or am I going to be productive?

I am going to continue to be productive
To the best of my ability
Nothing more than this
And nothing less…

My own voice I am to find
By giving it expression;
Until now I was focused on my ancestors
And what they from me wanted:

Remembering who I am
That I might heal
That I might align with my source
That I might be productive;

Being productive

An extension of being purposeful
Shifting into an active state
From a passive one
While releasing being used…

(© Archaela 5780 Nissan 19)

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